Thursday, November 23, 2017

The Appeal Of Working In Landscaping Pleasant Prairie WI

By David Bailey

As a skilled worker, you know you would probably never be happy working a 9:00 to 5:00 office job each day. You are not suited for pushing papers, answering phones, and just sitting throughout the work day. You would rather get outside where you can work with your hands, be in the fresh air, and not bogged down by the proverbial white collar rat race. If you have ever wondered about working in landscaping Pleasant Prairie WI businesses in this industry might entice you by revealing what they expect out of employees like you.

You might be drawn to the job because you get to work outdoors. You are not cooped up in an office all day. You also are not confined to a noisy factory or warehouse. You get to be out in the sunshine and air while you work, which is not something found with many jobs in other industries.

You likewise may like the idea of working with your hands as you mow, weed, plant, and prune people's yards. Office tasks like data entry and typing may be beyond your capabilities and interests. Instead, you prefer to work with your hands as that is where your talent lies. This position could maximize your potential and give you the opportunity to get paid for doing something that you love.

Your employer may reward you by keeping you on throughout the year even when other industries stop for the year. People who lay brick or work in construction do not draw paychecks when they cannot work. They often have to wait for the rain and snow to stop before they called back to the job site.

As a landscaper, you may get to stay working when others have to take days off, however. For example, when it is snowing, you may be hired to clear and sand sidewalks. You get paid for a full day's work even when the weather is less than ideal for other skilled labor jobs.

Along with a regular paycheck, you might get extra benefits like health insurance, a 401k retirement account, and sick leave. These benefits may not be found if you were to work in other skilled positions or as an entry level office workers. The wages you get paid are likewise above the pay grade for many entry level positions. You could make the same if not more money than people who work in white collar jobs like management in businesses and retailers.

You get the pay and benefits in many instances even if you are not formally trained for the job. Most employers in the industry train people on how to do things the right way. Even if your skills are limited to mowing lawns for other people or working as a farm hand, you could still be more than qualified to get hired on with one of these companies.

The landscaping profession in Wisconsin and elsewhere can be the ideal choice for people who do not like the idea of working in confined spaces or noisy settings. You might like the idea of being outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine. You likewise know that you are good with your hands and can learn the tasks that you will be expected to perform each day. You could choose a career in this industry rather than take a chance working in a profession that is not suited to you.

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